メトロ-ノースは米国鉄道事業者として初のISO 50001認証をAJAレジストラー(ソコテックグループ)より取得

メトロ-ノースは米国鉄道事業者として初のISO 50001認証をAJAレジストラー(ソコテックグループ)より取得

On Friday, Sept. 21 MTA Metro-North Railroad became the first North American to receive ISO-50001 Certification

Metro-North received, by Xavier DANIEL, Certification BU Director the certification after establishing an integrated system to monitor and improve how all energy is used throughout the railroad: traction power substations, diesel locomotives, heating fuel boilers, and lighting systems.

New energy management system software allows Metro-North “to more accurately track energy use, better identify ways to reduce consumption and save money.”“I am proud that we can offer our customers safe and reliable service while also being a responsible steward of our environment,” said Catherine Rinaldi, Metro-North President. “Our team here at Metro-North worked diligently for three years to achieve the ISO-50001 certification, and I commend their efforts to find ways to use energy efficiently and I commend their efforts to find ways to use energy efficiently and reduce our carbon footprint.

“The railroad is now in full compliance with international standards to review its energy use, manage its energy consumption and conserve natural resources,” said John Kesich, Senior Vice President Operations. “We are better-focused on innovative, energy efficient, and cost-effective ways of maintaining and rebuilding our infrastructure.